Upcoming Free HUD Webinars Around Healthy Housing and the PandemicApril 30, 2020
Here are the announcements (with registration links) for three webinars, that OLHCHH is sponsoring with various internal and external partner presenters. Please share with your networks, particularly property managers of multi-unit developments, public housing managers and maintenance staff. Announcement on Multifamily Properties and COVID19 Webinar.pdf Also, please see following update on HUD’s upcoming Webinar on Multi-Family Developments and COVID19: BECAUSE OF THE TREMENDOUS INTEREST IN THE HUD MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENTS AND COVID-19 WEBINAR ON MONDAY, MAY 4, 1PM EDT, WE HAVE REACHED THE MAXIMUM CAPACITY FOR REGISTRATIONS AND ATTENDEES. Announcement on Public Housing and COVID19 Webinar.pdf Conferencia Virtual Propiedades Multifamiliares y COVID19_04242020 rev.pdf