Just the Facts


*     AHMA is the premiere organization of managers, owners, and professional service providers who are committed to maintaining excellence in affordable housing communities.

*     AHMA is the local chapter of the National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA), which represents over managers and owners of over 1 million units of assisted housing throughout the US.  AHMA members own/manage or otherwise serve over 20,000 units of HUD-assisted or   HUD-subsidized multifamily housing projects in the States of WA, OR and ID.

*     AHMA works with State and Federal congressional delegates to support and preserve safe, clean and affordable housing for low-income, elderly and disabled residents.

*     AHMA provides legislative and regulatory updates to its members on a continuous basis, through its newsletters and E-mails.  NAHMA’s “NAHMAnalysis” delivers breaking news directly to your e-mail address.

*     AHMA members can access areas in the NAHMA web site reserved for members only, at www.nahma.org.

*     AHMA offers from ½ day to 2 ½ day trainings, focusing on relevant issues for management companies, owners, and on-site resident managers.  AHMA members pay reduced registration fees at most trainings.

*     AHMA offers an annual convention to sharpen member’s skills and expand their knowledge about the industry.  National and local speakers and trainers provide hands-on training for your staff.

*     AHMA encourages the achievement of excellence by offering   professional designations for its members.  The NAHMA Certified Professional of Occupancy course is the flagship  training program for the organization’s managers and the prestigious designation  – the National Assisted Housing Professional – is can be earned by members completing the program’s prerequisites. 

*     AHMA links members and key government agencies such as the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, WA State’s Community,   Office of Community Development (formerly CTED), U S Department of HUD (through   periodic HUD Liaison Meetings), the Washington State Housing Finance Commission,  the Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development (Rural Development), and other affordable housing agencies.  It also was a founding member of the “Coalition to  Preserve Low-Income Housing” and participates on a variety of preservation teams.

*     AHMA offers tenant involvement at member properties in  NAHMA’s annual Poster and Calendar contest, and through HUD’s Neighborhood   Networks computer learning center program.

*     AHMA provides opportunities to exchange information and network among the owners and property management agents of assisted housing   throughout the Pacific Northwest.  Members are listed in the Annual Membership Directory. AHMA distributes job announcements on behalf of members, refers members to available resources in the housing community, and provides trade   references on behalf of members.  Our web site:  www.ahma-wa.org

*     AHMA presents a united voice on behalf of owners/managers on emerging issues.  For example, in 1997-1999, AHMA members testified before   the Seattle City Council and the King County Council, before Senator Patty Murray’s Affordable Housing  Forum, and successfully advocated on   behalf of owners for the elimination of $3.7 million in claims which HUD made against owners for alleged overpayments of rent subsidies dating back to 1989.

*     AHMA supports continued professionalism through its BEST PRACTICES AGREEMENT with HUD, and promotion of its Code of Ethics.


Develop a regional agenda

Clarify common mission

Create greater freedom to act

Have greater impact through grass roots efforts

Encourage collaboration among Housing Commissions in different states

Encourage a standardization of inter-agency rules

Provide acceptable solutions for all parties involved


Explore other multi-state and regional AHMA’s to learn how they are structured

Explore other multi-state and regional AHMA’s to learn what models are working and what are their best practices

Identify common areas of concern