NAHMA HUD Update: HUD Announces CNA e-Tool, version 3.0 Launch Date(November 9)

November 4, 2020

Dear NAHMA Members,


The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced that the launch of the web-based Capital Needs Assessment (CNA) e-Tool, version 3.0, will occur on November 9, 2020.  Please note that the Data Transfer Period ends in three days. Prior to the launch, please make sure that you have done the following:


  • Obtained access, to enable you to access the CNA e-Tool with your M-ID
  • Attended the Getting Started and User Basics webinars or viewed the archived versions (available on the CNA e-Tool Webpage or on the HUD Exchange)
  • Validate any unfinished Assessment Tool file in the Submission Portal before the Data Transfer Period ends on November 6th at 11:59 pm Eastern Time. 
  • For helpful information on what to expect when version 3.0 goes live, please read CNA e-Tool v3.0 Go-Live FAQs


When the new system is LIVE, HUD will send out an announcement email to all users. For further technical information, please email