NAHMA HUD Update: HUD Issues Moving to Work Expansion NoticeAugust 28, 2020 Dear NAHMA Members, Today HUD published a final Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program establishes requirements for the implementation and continued operation of the demonstration program, which authorizes HUD to expand the MTW demonstration program. Under the MTW program, MTW agencies have the flexibility to apply fungibility among three core funding programs' funding streams—public housing Operating Funds, public housing Capital Funds, and HCV assistance (to include both HAP and Administrative Fees) and are also permitted to waive a number of program requirements. The notice is divided into three appendixes: Appendix I refers to MTW Waivers: It is a simplified guide for MTW agencies seeking to develop MTW initiatives that have already been executed by existing MTW agencies. MTW agencies may implement any activity contained in Appendix I without further HUD approval as long as it is included in the MTW Supplement and implemented with the associated safe harbors. Appendix II contains instructions for written impact analyses and hardship policies. Impact analyses are required for certain activities, such as Work Requirements, Term-Limited Assistance, and Stepped Rent. Appendix II also contains procedures for the written policies MTW agencies must adopt for determining when a requirement or provision of an MTW activity constitutes a financial or other hardship for the family. Appendix III contains the method for calculating the requirement that MTW agencies house substantially the same number of families as they would have absent MTW. The Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Moving to Work Demonstration Program is attached and can also be found here.