NAHMA HUD Update: HUD Issues RAD Fair Housing, Civil Rights, and Relocation Notice and Makes Available New Public Transaction Data

November 11, 2016

HUD recently issued the attached RAD Fair Housing, Civil Rights, and Relocation Notice.  The notice is available here. HUD will host a webinar on this notice on Nov. 17, at 2pm(EST). Here are additional details from HUD on the RAD Notice, upcoming webinar, and public housing conversions data.

Fair Housing, Civil Rights, and Relocation Notice

The RAD Fair Housing, Civil Rights, and Relocation Notice, which outlines requirements in these areas for public housing conversions under RAD. This Notice describes certain fair housing and civil rights requirements as they apply to RAD, explains HUD's front-end civil rights review process, strengthens tenant rights and protections in the areas of resident notification and increases relocation housing options, reflecting the program's core value of ensuring fair treatment of residents throughout the course of RAD conversions. It also provides guidance in response to lessons learned and requests for clarity among RAD participants on the review process, including how HUD evaluates whether or not to further invest on a particular site.
While RAD partners have already been using HUD-provided templates for RAD submissions, HUD is developing a new, consolidated draft checklist that streamlines both the content and timelines of submissions and their review and approval process. The new checklist will walk PHAs through required criteria and submission requirements, aiding in more successful smoother and more efficient implementation of relocation and fair housing requirements. The checklist will be made available for public comment shortly.
Next Thursday, November 17 at 2PM ET, HUD will host a webinar on the Notice. You can register to participate via this link: . HUD will host additional Q&A sessions into the new year to respond to questions. Information on how to participate in these sessions will be sent out later and posted on the RAD website.
RAD Conversion Data
HUD has recently created an open portal on the RAD Resource Desk for the public to access live information on public housing conversions. Users can access basic information by PHA or by transaction status (e.g., applications submitted, under CHAP, Financing Plan submitted, Closed, etc.). Users can customize their own reports that will export into an Excel file. To access this data, visit and click on    "Data and Resources."