NAHMA HUD Update: HUD Provides CNA e-Tool 3.0 Update for TransferringWork in-Progress Prior to Launch (Aug. 24)July 23, 2020 Dear NAHMA Members, The Department of Housing and Urban Development is continuing the rollout of the CNA e-Tool, version 3.0., scheduled to go live on August 24, 2020. The update below describes what users must do with draft Assessment Tool files in order to be ready to use the new version and includes videos and webinars to assist users with this process. Please see the announcement below and the attached CNA e-Tool version 3.0 Launch Schedule for more information. Get Ready to Transfer Work in-Progress to Version 3.0 of the CNA e-Tool At midnight EDT on July 27th a four-week window will open during which users should make sure to validate any relevant legacy Excel Assessment Tool files in progress. Validation must be done by the authorized submitter (e.g. lenders) in the current Submission Portal which requires a user ID and password. The Submission Portal is not the same as the public validation portal commonly used by needs assessors in the legacy system. Validation in the Submission Portal will store the data from the Excel files into HUD’s database so that it is transferred over to the new Release 3.0 where the user will be able to retrieve it using the new CNA e-Tool after it goes live on August 24th. This “data transfer period” ends at midnight EDT on August 20. Thereafter, the Excel Assessment Tool will no longer be accepted. The process for data transfer is outlined in the Data Transfer video. A summary of the process is provided below.
Please Note: While Needs Assessors may validate work-in-progress Excel Assessment Tool files in the Submission Portal, they must NOT actually “Submit” such CNAs to HUD.
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