NAHMA HUD Update: HUD-VASH Registration of Interest Notice Published;2021 Adjustment Funding for the HCV ProgramJuly 26, 2021 Dear NAHMA Members, Please find below two recent notices from HUD’s Office of Pubic and Indian Housing:
PIH Notice 2021-21, HUD-VASH Registration of Interest Notice is attached and available here. To view the HUD-VASH Guidance for Project Based Vouchers, click here.
The Emergency Housing Vouchers section of the American Rescue Plan provides funding for “adjustments in the calendar year 2021 section 8 renewal funding allocation, including mainstream vouchers, for PHAs that experience a significant increase in voucher per-unit costs due to extraordinary circumstances or that, despite taking reasonable cost savings measures, would otherwise be required to terminate rental assistance for families as a result of insufficient funding.” This notice makes $200 million available for PHAs that experience a significant increase in voucher per unit cost due to extraordinary circumstances; or that despite taking reasonable cost saving measures, they would otherwise be required to terminate rental assistance for families because of a shortfall funding. Please note that if a PHA has previously applied for funding from the extraordinary circumstances funding, it does not need to reapply. Adjustment funding in this category must be used by June 30, 2022, or it will be recaptured, and applications should be submitted to [email protected] by 5 pm local time on Tuesday, August 10, 2021. PIH Notice 2021-23, Adjustment Funding for FY21 Housing Choice Voucher Program, Mainstream Vouchers Renewal and Updated Application Process for Unforeseen Circumstances Funding is attached and available here.