HUD's Strong Families Initiative is hosting a weekly webinar series every Tuesday in April, Financial Capabilities Month. Each webinar will feature a panel of experts providing informational sessions on how to help HUD-assisted families access and manage their American Rescue Plan economic impact payments.
This webinar will discuss how housing providers can help inform their residents about the benefits of HUD-certified housing counseling and Financial Empowerment courses. An overview of the American Rescue Plan’s stimulus checks and child tax credits will be covered, and presenters will show how their education and counseling services can help HUD-assisted residents make the most of their financial resources.
Call-in Information:
The conference begins at 2:00 PM EDT on April 27, 2021. Attendees may join the conference 10 minutes prior.
Option 1: Dial into the conference. Dial-in: 888-251-2949 or 215-861-0694 Access Code: 5225066#
Option 2: Join the conference on your computer. Entry Link:
When you access the entry link above, you will be provided a choice to install the WebEx plug-in for your preferred browser or to join the web conference using a temporary path. Either option is acceptable.
Need technical assistance? Audio Connection: 1-888-796-6118 WebEx Connection: 1-888-793-6118
To learn more about this series and view webinar materials, visit the Financial Capability Month page on
To learn more about National Financial Capability Month, see the President's recent Proclamation.
To learn more about HUD's Strong Families Initiative and other webinars in the series, visit