Research Finds Positive Outcomes for Residents in Converted Properties
Two studies published earlier this year examined the outcomes of residents living in public housing properties that have converted through RAD:
- In a recent issue of Health Affairs focusing on investments in social determinants of health, a new study examined how renovations of a property in Queens, NY that converted through RAD may improve the health of public housing residents. Examining Medicaid data for “housing-sensitive” health conditions (such as asthma, hypertension, etc.) for residents before and after the renovation with a control group of Medicaid enrollees, the study finds statistically significant improvements in the aggregate health of residents as a result of the improved housing conditions.
- HUD released the full report, "Examining the Effects of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) on Children Living in Public Housing in Fresno, California," which assessed outcomes and the well-being of children living in developments that have undergone rehab and conversion under the RAD. The study found notable and mostly positive results where residents experienced significant improvements including upgraded heating/cooling systems and appliances; improved unit layout and conditions; perceived safety and connectedness; and enhanced resident resources and pride of place.
New Research Funding Opportunity
Building off the results in these studies, HUD has recently published a Research NOFA requesting proposals to study the impact of RAD on children in HUD-Assisted households that seeks to. HUD may award one or two cooperative agreements, with a total of all awards not to exceed $750,000. Applications are due by July 30th.
The goal of this NOFA is to support research project(s) that will produce policy-relevant evidence on the implementation of the RAD program and its effect on children's well-being. The applicant should be aware of the major research goals for other studies of RAD and propose a project that enhances, replicates, or complements the larger RAD evaluations or other studies such as those discussed above.
Proposed projects may examine outcomes—including but not limited to housing stability, health status and health care use, access to services, involvement with the criminal justice system, and academic performance—before and after the RAD conversion, potentially using a comparison group of similar children in public housing properties that did not convert under RAD or other comparable group whose baseline characteristics are similar to those of children in the RAD property. The study may examine differences in outcomes based on demographic characteristics. Specific outcomes of interest may depend on the nature of the RAD conversion at a particular property (or group of properties) based on the existing literature and data availability.