NAHMAnalysis - Two Reports Examine FY21 Appropriations Omnibus, theCOVID-19 Relief Bill and Key Affordable Housing Legislation in the 116thCongressDecember 22, 2020 Dear NAHMA Members, Today, NAHMA published a NAHMAnalysis, the FY21 Appropriations Omnibus and COVID19 Relief Package. In late December, Congress passed a year-end legislation package that combined a $900 billion COVID-19 relief bill, $1.4 trillion omnibus fiscal year 2021 (FY21) funding bill, and tax provisions. At the time of this publication, President Trump indicated he would sign the legislation to fund the government and provide much needed pandemic relief. Overall, the funding levels for both HUD and USDA are positive and maintain funding increases from FY20, despite both agencies facing significant cuts proposed in the administration’s FY21 budget request and the threat of yearlong continuing resolutions. This NAHMAnalysis focuses on the FY21 appropriations for affordable housing and community development programs and the latest COVID19 Relief package. The NAHMAnalysis is available here. NAHMA has published an additional NAHMAnalysis, Key Affordable Housing Legislation in the 116th Congress. Early in the year, Congress’ well laid out plans and legislative agenda for the second-half of the 116th Congress were upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. The following months brought a torrent of legislative initiatives, proposals, hearings and laws, all aimed at protecting the American people and helping stem the pace of the outbreak. As we reach the end of the year, Congress continues to advance additional COVID-19 relief assistance, building on many of the ideas that were proposed in response. This NAHMAnalysis focuses on the key affordable housing legislation enacted during the 116th Congress. The NAHMAnalysis is available here. |