NAHMAnalysis 2016-0909: RHS Civil Monetary PenaltiesSeptember 12, 2016 A new NAHMAnalysis which compares the Rural Housing Service's (RHS) proposed rule to provide additional procedural detail on how the agency seeks to implement civil monetary penalties (CMPs) with its final rule is now available at This NAHMAnalysis will examine the comments made to the 2013 proposed rule in comparison with the final rule as well. Stakeholders were offered the opportunity by RHS to comment on the 2013 proposed rule and the use of CMPs on owners or managers of rural affordable housing programs assisted by RHS. After gathering feedback from members involved in the management of rural affordable housing programs, NAHMA submitted comments on the 2013 proposed rule. After reviewing NAHMA's comments and the comments of other stakeholder groups, RHS made alterations to the proposed rule changes. NAHMA will continue to meet with RHS leadership to understand the full scope of CMPs within the rural housing portfolio and to gather additional guidance for NAHMA members. The NAHMAnalysis may be found on the NAHMA website or here. |