Upcoming Webinars
Advanced LIHTC Compliance - August 15
Upcoming in-person trainings
Comprehensive Legal Seminar - September 18
Nspire Training - September 18
Bundled Webinars (on demand):
New Hire Bundle
Rural Development Bundle
Webinar Catalog:
Fair Housing 101
Basic HUD Occupancy Webinar Part 1 & 2
Challenging Behaviors Associated with Untreated Mental Health Conditions
Do the Right Thing - Property Management Ethics webinar
Documenting Resident violations webinar
EIV Basics webinar
Elephant in the room: Non-smoking policies: best practices webinar
It's About Ethics: Creating and maintaining personal and professional boundaries
Legislative Update July 2019
Mental Health Crisis Planning with Residents in Affordable Housing
MH 101: Basic overview of Mental health conditions
Preventative Maintenance Webinar
Reasonable Accommodations: Pet Policy vs Service-Companion Animal webinar
Reducing Fair housing claims by providing exceptional customer service
Role of the service coordinator in preventing bedbug infestation in public housing
Waiting list management webinar