NAHMA HUD Update: Recent HUD / CDC COVID19 Webinars (Recording,Handouts, and Presentations)

May 8, 2002

Dear NAHMA Members –

This week, HUD held webinars on cleaning and disinfecting to protect individuals residing in HUD-assisted properties, including guidance on facility cleaning when a person with COVID-19 infection is present or suspected. The presenters included leaders from HUD’s Multifamily Housing, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Washington State Dept. of Health.

Due to file size, members can access our Dropbox and download the recordings, presentations, and files.  The links are available below and on NAHMA’s Coronavirus Information and Resources website (under HUD webinars):


  1. COVID-19 and Multifamily (May 4, 2020)
  2. COVID-19 and Housing (Spanish):
  3. COVID-19 and Public Housing (May 4 2020)